Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Biz Never Sleeps

I remember a time, 1989 in fact, when all those of the gangsta persuasion were kept in check by one man. There was no rapper on rapper crime and all who rapped, were content to rap in this great man's rather imposing shadow. That man, was The Diabolical Biz Markie.

Those were good days, when the world was still civilized and appreciated the value of a human beat box. The good Biz's reign was short unfortunately. This due to a silly lawsuit and land mark(ie) ruling concerning sampling in music as well as the ever growing gangstafication trend in the scene. Short, but glorious The Biz's time was. But please don't fret, good blog reading person, The Biz lives on in our hearts and minds, as long as we continue on... he shall too. Lisping beat box and all. He's just not all that Diabolical these days... but was he really ever?

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