Ayreon is the epic-prog rock project of the Dutchman Arjen Lucassen. This album,
Universal Migrator Part 1: The Dream Sequencer, is part of a larger series of similarly themed albums, but is more directly related to its' counterpart
Universal Migrator Part 2: Flight of the Migrator, which was released congruently back in 2000. Quite the mouthful, huh? Anyway, Arjen is the ever intrepid prog musician. He collected a series of talents to join him on his quest, including but not limited to Lana Lane, Neal Morse and Johan Edlund. One of those things does not belong... That's right,
Johan Edlund from Tiamat contributes his distinct baritone for what is perhaps the highlight of the album "My House on Mars."
I should probably take a moment and explain what this album is all about...
It's 2084, and the earth has consumed itself in war. Everyone is dead. Colonists on Mars are now dying as a result (no imports of food, water, soap, etc.) There is this awesome machine, called the Dream Sequencer. It allows you to travel through time and live the experiences of famous people and events. Like a virtual reality history lesson. This one poor chap is the last person alive on Mars, or anywhere for that matter, and he hops in the machine to live out his days as best he can. Let the fun and adventure begin! Enter Sir Francis Drake, Rembrandt, Neil Armstrong, Druids, Mayans, etc etc etc...
I'm not too into the "rock opera" scene. But, this album somehow keeps making it back into my rotation after all these years. Especially Edlunds track.
Part 2 has some lad named Bruce Dickinson. But I never made it that far.