There was a time, long ago in a galaxy far far away, when I was a naive and simple youth. I sincerely believed that In Flames could and would never do wrong. I was right for a while... then ... they ... shit the bed. Oh well, at least we have their second full length, and first with lead vocalist Anders Friden, The Jester Race. This album was groundbreaking in 1996 as it took the still young Swede melodic death metal sound and really perfected it. It would also commence what would become a unifying theme on In Flames' following efforts: humankind is comprised of a bunch of assholes.
There are scores of hip American bands nowadays who are painfully attempting to rehash (aka rip off) the early In Flames as well as At The Gates sound... they are weak. Almost as weak as the latter day In Flames albums. Don't believe me? Then, download this example of supreme awesomeness, listen to it, and then head on over to Hot Topic and buy some of their new shite.
On a side note, check out "Lord Hypnos" as Anders displays his affinity for English Romantic poet William Wordsworth, by reading from "Ode: Intimations of Immortality." That's some classy shit right there.
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