In honor of the E.U. opting to rescue the Greek economy today ...
There is something very familiar yet exceptionally exotic about the Hellenic Black Metal scene. I find almost everything I hear from Greece to be at the very least, interesting. But often, very compelling. Today's offering is no exception. 1996's Triarchy of the Lost Lovers was my introduction to Greek metal and it has stood the test of time as an exceptional release. Here we have the beginning of a departure for Rotting Christ. For this, and the two albums which follow it, Rotting Christ will leave behind many of the more traditional Greek extreme metal themes, i.e. Satan, demons, cults, and Satan. Triarchy ... is a melancholic album that overflows with drama, passion and sorrow. While in no way the heaviest or most in your face black metal album from Greece (or even from Rotting Christ) it stands as a creative accomplishment and a high point for the band.
Now, why is it that Greece can have such a sick and extreme metal scene but Italy insists on creating wave after wave of cheese enveloped fantasy metal? I will defer to the Oracle on this one.
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