See that gentleman on the horse? He has traveled long and far and appears to have come for you. Sorry pal, your time is up. Hence the hour glass he is holding. But at least you'll die while listening to some awesome anti-cosmic classic Swede Black Metal. What does anti-cosmic even mean? Fucked if I know, but front man Jon Nödtveidt took it real serious like. So much so that he was a practicing member of the Misanthropic Luciferian Order, what exactly is that you ask? Fucked if I know. But I do know that this was the last Dissection album for some time since Nödtveidt had to repay his debt to Swedish society as an accomplice to murder. The band would return in 2004 as more of a death metal act and release an EP and then a full length before Mr. Nödtveidt decided to tell the cosmos what he thought of it, via a gun shot wound to the head. Sad day indeed. But his music lives on, Dissection's studio albums (as well as EPs) are a living testament to this troubled artist and his uncompromising vision.
1 comment:
Thanks Christian! I often wonder who is, if anyone, reading this thing. I appreciate your patronage and hope you continue to enjoy it. It's good to know someone is out there!
Stay Well,
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