Angel Dust was Faith No More's fourth full length, but only their second with Mike Patton at the helm. It was also his first as a contributing song writer. For a major label and so called mainstream release, this album was revolutionary. Scratch that- even if it had been some underground indie label release, Angel Dust was simply breathtaking and proved that this band was not content to rest on any laurels purchased with The Real Thing profits. It pushes boundaries of thrash, funk, punk, hip hop, cheer-leading chants, Native American chants and whatever else they could fit into the studio. Angel Dust combines so many genres and ideas so seamlessly that you will quickly realize how silly and restricting the notions of genres can ultimately be. It takes a uniquely talented group of artists to meld together their disparate individual visions and influences and create something so wholly perfect as this album. It contains experimental aspects, but this album is a fluid and accomplished masterpiece of music. It blew my fucking 8th grade mind when it first came out, and continues to do so today. For Angel Dust not to be on a top 10 albums of the 90's list, completely invalidates the given list. This album has it all.
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