Joe Buck Yourself (born James Finkley) has done time with Th' Legendary Shack Shakers as well as a gentleman by the name of Hank III. Motherfucker, his self released solo album, is filled to the brim with piss, blood and whiskey. Buck's muse is a darkness that lurks in every song and around every corner. Violence, hate and excess prevail. But look, I'm going to cut to the chase. This album is fucking sick as all shit. It is badass. It is scary. It is cool. Play this album loud while driving down the road and watch the cars part like the Red Sea. Watch the red lights turn green out of fear and Johnny Law look the other way . Going for a walk? The presence of Motherfucker on your Ipod will have the old women, miscreants and ne'er do wells cross to the other side of the street, just at the sight of you. Now stop fucking around and click the link.
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