Forerunners to the folk/black metal scene, Borknagar have been one of the most consistent musical forces from Scandinavia. The Olden Domain (1997) is their second album and their first to include English lyrics. Starting with this album pagan spirituality would become the unifying theme of all their efforts. It would also display an expansion of their once raw sound, incorporating progressive melodies and folk elements. While still remaining true to their black metal roots, The Olden Domain is simultaneously inspiring and overwhelming- like the cold Norwegian winter itself, harsh yet exalting. This would be the last album for Fiery G. Maelstrom on vocals duties (also known as: Garm, Trickster G., or just plain Kristoffer Rygg) and he delivers a commanding and dramatic performance. Borknagar began as a Norwegian super group, with original members from Gorgoroth, Ulver, Enslaved and Immortal, but have since forged their own path creating a unique musical identity and style that has thrived for years and remains thought provoking and inspiring. In many ways that journey began with this, their second album.
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